Teething Solutions

Somehow I got super lucky [insert sarcasm]…. & Shai started showing signs of teething at 2.5 months! A bit on the early side, I was caught off guard. First I noticed a little lump on his bottom left gum line. Then he started drooling a lot of saliva for the first time & in general seems slightly fussier. I’m testing EVERYTHING out so you don’t have to.



+ all natural baby teether

+ brew chamomile tea - soak a washcloth - then freeze



+ the box claims to have “natural ingredients” & labels itself homeopathic

+ I think this is just clever marketing - I personally can’t pronounce or define what the listed ingredients are. my rule of thumb is if you can’t say it or spell it its not “all natural”.

+ however, it is the most recommended to me by other mom friends.



+ all irresistibly adorable

+ they all claim to be non toxic / safe for baby - my opinion is: if it’s inedible should it really be going in your mouth? hm.

+ 1. frida baby 2. oli & carol 3. sweet tooth 4. sophie la girafe 5. green toys

We’ll be working our way through this list in the next few weeks to see what’s best for Shai. I don’t want him to suffer unnecessary discomfort during teething so I’m willing to try all of these. Xo

BabyTayler Schultz